This module was about creating a professional looking map and using the tools of ArcMap to do it.
I really enjoyed walking through steps of editing layers and shapefiles to just show the information/data you only want the audience to see. As I was going through the steps I was wondering how I might be able to apply these tricks to maps I have worked on in the past.
Once all the data was added to the table contents and map elements such as legend, title, north arrow, and scale, it was good exposure to play around with all the settings. To re-size the data frames, legend, and north arrow. It was interesting to see how adjusting items such as font can really change the look of a map as well. I can also see how it is easy to get carried away and let all the tools/setting cause your map to lose focus of what is truly is about.
Besides how a map looks being important, it is also important to know what data you are working with. Seeing the metadata in ArcCatalog and how to see which coordinate system the data is in, seems to be one the key elements to creating a good map.
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